With the development of sedation dentistry, patients can be kept relaxed and comfortable during the entire procedure. It does not matter how a tooth has become damaged, whether, by physical trauma, decay, or disease, removing the injured tooth will halt the progress of decay and preserve the rest of the teeth in the oral cavity.
Performed hundreds of times a day, across the country, tooth extractions are quite common. Despite that, they are considered a last resort for treatment. Every effort is made to save the tooth, regardless of how badly damaged or decayed the tooth is. This is due to the fact that once a tooth is lost, other more serious problems can arise, wreaking havoc on the oral cavity. Teeth are kept healthy by the oppositional force created with each bite. When that pressure is lost by losing a tooth, the jawbone will eventually begin to deteriorate.
Those patients dealing with tooth pain should come into our office for an evaluation. We can assess the situation and make a treatment recommendation at Barnes Dental.
What Are the Different Types of Extraction?
While there are two different kinds of tooth extractions, they both utilize the same technique. They both apply gentle pressure to work the tooth free of the supportive bone and gum structure. Each type is chosen for different reasons.
The most commonly performed type of extraction is known as a simple extraction. It involves using a numbing agent to prepare the tooth and the patient for the procedure. It is applied to the gums and tooth. This is done to ensure the patient is comfortable during the extraction.
A surgical extraction is the second type. This is typically reserved for those teeth which did not properly erupt into the oral cavity. When teeth do this, they can put stress on the remaining teeth in the oral cavity. This can cause them to shift out of alignment. When this happens, it can also put stress on the TMJ joint. In some cases, the tooth may be broken into smaller pieces to aid in the extraction. Wisdom teeth are the most commonly extracted teeth using this method.
Extractions and Recovery
The tooth extraction procedure has changed and improved over time. With modern-day sedation techniques, the patient can remain relaxed and comfortable. In most cases, a tooth extraction can be completed in one, 30-minute office visit.
Questions about tooth extractions? Contact us at Barnes Dental. We are available at (971) 441-5520.